Fungal Nail Infections: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

One of the complications that can arise due to a lack of proper foot hygiene and care is a fungal infection of the nail. Foot and nail fungus is a common reason why patients decide to schedule an appointment with a podiatrist. Learn how to care for your feet and toenails to avoid a fungal nail infection when you see Dr. Gary Rogers at Wilmette Foot and Ankle Clinic in Wilmette, IL.

Causes of Fungal Nail Infections

When you have nail fungus, especially if it recurs often, it may be a sign of too much exposure to wet and dirty environments like public showers, pools, and gyms without wearing shoe wear. Podiatrists will likely recommend that you do not spend much time walking around barefoot, whether outdoors or in your home. Nail fungus can also develop from wearing sweaty-covered shoes, sharing towels, or from direct contact with another infected person.

Symptoms of Toenail Fungus

A toenail fungus has some obvious symptoms that should prompt you to seek immediate treatment. If your toenails show the following signs, you may have a fungal problem:

  • Chalky appearance.
  • An unnatural color (ranging from yellow to green).
  • Rough and thick nail bed.
  • Brittleness or flakiness.
  • It hurts when you touch the nail or put on your shoes.
  • A bad odor that doesn't go away when you wash your feet.
  • Toenail coming loose from the nail bed in advanced cases.

Your Treatment Options

In most cases, a fungal nail infection will clear up after using an antifungal cream or oral medication prescribed by your Wilmette, IL, podiatrist. The most important element of your treatment plan is prevention. You must change the habits that caused the infection, protect your feet, and toss socks and shoes that may still contain traces of the fungus.

Prioritize Healthy Toenail and Foot Care

Fungal nail infections are avoidable when you take extra care of your toenails and foot hygiene. Get help if you have a stubborn case of a nail infection from Dr. Gary Rogers at Wilmette Foot and Ankle Clinic in Wilmette, IL. Call (847) 256-4434 today to schedule your examination.

One of the complications that can arise due to a lack of proper foot hygiene and care is a fungal infection of the nail. Foot and nail fungus is a common reason why patients decide to schedule an appointment with a podiatrist. Learn how to care for your feet and toenails to avoid a fungal nail infection when you see Dr. Gary Rogers at Wilmette Foot and Ankle Clinic in Wilmette, IL.

Causes of Fungal Nail Infections

When you have nail fungus, especially if it recurs often, it may be a sign of too much exposure to wet and dirty environments like public showers, pools, and gyms without wearing shoe wear. Podiatrists will likely recommend that you do not spend much time walking around barefoot, whether outdoors or in your home. Nail fungus can also develop from wearing sweaty-covered shoes, sharing towels, or from direct contact with another infected person.

Symptoms of Toenail Fungus

A toenail fungus has some obvious symptoms that should prompt you to seek immediate treatment. If your toenails show the following signs, you may have a fungal problem:

  • Chalky appearance.
  • An unnatural color (ranging from yellow to green).
  • Rough and thick nail bed.
  • Brittleness or flakiness.
  • It hurts when you touch the nail or put on your shoes.
  • A bad odor that doesn't go away when you wash your feet.
  • Toenail coming loose from the nail bed in advanced cases.

Your Treatment Options

In most cases, a fungal nail infection will clear up after using an antifungal cream or oral medication prescribed by your Wilmette, IL, podiatrist. The most important element of your treatment plan is prevention. You must change the habits that caused the infection, protect your feet, and toss socks and shoes that may still contain traces of the fungus.

Prioritize Healthy Toenail and Foot Care

Fungal nail infections are avoidable when you take extra care of your toenails and foot hygiene. Get help if you have a stubborn case of a nail infection from Dr. Gary Rogers at Wilmette Foot and Ankle Clinic in Wilmette, IL. Call (847) 256-4434 today to schedule your examination.

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